It’s National French Fry Day. I can’t think of a single person in my circle that doesn’t like the finger shaped deep fried potatoes. I do know a few people that choose not to eat them because they are greasy and all carbohydrates, but those people have more will-power than I do.

In the early 1970’s as a young military wife, I had the privilege of living in England for three years. The first time I heard talk of going to the “Chippy” I thought they were talking about the flat slivers of deep fried potatoes. You find out what a big world it is when the same words have different meanings. Of course, they were talking about French Fries. I have fond memories of the Rock fish and chips wrapped in the large sheets of paper that looked like the paper you pack your dishes in when you move. I can still smell the aroma that was noticeable a few buildings from the shop.

When I moved to Washington state in 1979, I had another lesson in how to eat fer-fer’s as my son called them when he was little. It was very common in the restaurant I worked at to be asked for tarter sauce to dip fries in. I couldn’t see dipping something greasy in more fat, but once I tried it I was hooked.

In Mississippi we ordered potato wedges. They took a baking potato, cut it into four quarters lengthwise and fried those big pieces until the outside was almost crunchy and the inside was hot, fluffy and very white. That’s where I learned to eat my hot fries first and the rest of the meal after because cool fries just aren’t as pleasing to the mouth as hot ones are. There we sprinkled on white vinegar and chased it with ketchup.

Today my grandchildren dunk everything in ranch dressing. I guess dunking French Fries in something has been around as long as French Fries have been. If you want a healthier version you can coat your potatoes in olive oil and bake them, or use sweet potatoes. No matter which form, or what you dunk them in, I think most everyone will agree, hot and fresh is best.